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Pendule Energie Divine | Couronne des 7 Chakras

Pendule Energie Divine | Couronne des 7 Chakras

Regular price 24,99EUR
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Let our pendulum guide you on the path to the secrets of your success.

Endowed with precision and wisdom, our pendulum confidently answers all the questions that torment you, thus guiding you towards success and all your desires!


This pendulum will benefit you in several ways:

  • Clarity and Direction: By asking questions of the pendulum, you can get clear answers that will guide you in your decisions. This will allow you to gain clarity on complex situations and make informed decisions.
  • Luck and Prosperity: The pendulum promotes luck and prosperity in finances and gambling. By framing positive questions and interpreting the answers with confidence, it attracts opportunities for financial success
  • Confidence and Assurance: By having access to precise and reliable answers, you will gain confidence in your choices. You will be able to move forward with confidence, knowing that you have explored all available options and heeded the advice of the pendulum.
  • Inner Exploration: The pendulum explores your subconscious and accesses hidden information. This will allow you to better understand your motivations, fears and deep desires, which will benefit your personal growth and spiritual development.
  • Protection against negative energies: It acts as a shield against negative energies and the evil eye, reinforced by the stones of the seven chakras. it dissipates stress, anxiety and depression, balancing and purifying your energy field offering you a state of inner calm and well-being.


Good to know:

Each gemstone, associated with one of the seven chakras, offers unique energy to balance and harmonize the body's energy centers.

Amethyst: promoting mental clarity and spiritual elevation, aligns the crown chakra.

Lapis lazuli: symbol of wisdom, opens the third eye, promoting intuition. 

Aquamarine: purification stone, activates the throat chakra, facilitating communication. 

Olivine: stimulates the heart chakra, promoting love. 

Tiger's Eye: strengthens the solar plexus chakra, bringing confidence.

Red agate: balances the sacral chakra, promoting passion. 

Garnet: activates the root chakra, strengthening stability

Associated with the crown on the pendulum it symbolizes royalty and spiritual connection.It evokes inner power and higher wisdom, reminding the user of their authority and connection to the celestial realms.


Sacralized Manufacture by Monks

Monks handcraft each pendulum with spiritual devotion. Each gesture is imbued with precision and spirituality, thus honoring a centuries-old tradition. Throughout the process, sacred mantras are recited to bless each piece, infusing divine, benevolent energy.


Blessed Gifts for All

Our handcrafted pendulums, carefully crafted by monks, are much more than simple divinatory tools. They are spiritual gifts, perfect for everyone who matters in your life. Each pendulum is blessed with sacred mantras, imbuing it with divine and benevolent energy. Offer your loved ones a source of spiritual guidance and well-being with our unique and sacred pendulums.


Test our Sacred Pendulum with Confidence!

We are confident that our handcrafted pendulum, blessed by monks with sacred mantras, will bring benefits to your life. That's why we offer you a 14-day satisfaction guarantee. If you do not feel its beneficial effects within this time, contact us and we will refund you in full. We believe in the power of our pendulum to help you in your spiritual journey and well-being. Experience its energy and guidance without any risk. Treat yourself to this opportunity for personal transformation with our sacred pendulum.




Information sur le bijou

Tous nos bijoux sont fait à la main par des moines Tibétains, il sont tous unisexe et conviennent aux plus petits comme aux plus grands (minimum 10 ans)

Purification et rechargement

Juste après votre achat vous recevrez un e-mail vous expliquant étape par étape comme purifier votre bijou puis le recharger afin qu'il garde son énergie initial, d'ailleurs dans ce même mail vous aurez aussi la possibilité de me communiquer une tranche horaire dans laquelle vous serez disponible pour planifier un appel avec moi qui durera une quinzaine de minutes et dans lequel je répondrais à toutes vos questions et vous expliquerai le fonctionnement du bijou. (l'appel n'est pas obligatoire)

Livraison à domicile

L'expédition se fera dans les 48 heures après votre achat, vous recevrez un mail afin de suivre votre commande et le facteur (la poste) vous l'apportera directement chez vous.

Satisfait ou Remboursé

Nous sommes heureux de vous informé que 96% des clients sont satisfaits de nos produits mais si pour une raison quelconque vous ne l'êtes pas, soyez rassurez car vous bénéficiez de la garantie "satisfait ou remboursé" pendant 14 jours, ce qui veut dire que vous ne perdez rien à acheté ce magnifique bijou

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