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Energie Thêta | Le secret des moines

Energie Thêta | Le secret des moines

Regular price 19,99EUR
Regular price 199,99EUR Sale price 19,99EUR
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Discover the secret of Tibetan monks to activate this mysterious "Switch" and master it to unleash your bioenergy, unlocking a world of success and abundance.


The benefits of the Theta secret: Trigger the power of your essence to draw from an infinite source and overcome the barriers that slow down your ambitions. Align your vibration with waves of abundance, thereby multiplying your well-being and attracting unlimited wealth into your life.

Receive 6 exclusive gifts that will increase these new energies tenfold!

Unblocking towards abundance: Eliminate mental and energetic obstacles. Clarify your mind and body to open the doors to unlimited abundance and attract wealth and success.

Programming Hypnosis to Prosperity: Discover the power of hypnosis to align your goals and unlock a steady stream of prosperity. Reprogram your subconscious to attract wealth and abundance and make your dreams come true.

Mental Expansion with Alpha Waves: Immerse yourself in alpha waves for a profound cognitive transformation. Enjoy intense relaxation and focus on your goals, discovering unexplored mental power.

Deep Theta: Triggering Your Potential: Immerse yourself in theta waves to reprogram your limiting beliefs. Awaken your inner potential and attract consistent abundance into every aspect of your life, from wealth to happiness.

Chakra Harmonization to Attract Prosperity: Balance your chakras to attract flowing abundance. Align your energy centers and connect deeply with your inner being, paving the way for authentic and lasting prosperity.

Theta Transformation for Prosperity: Embrace theta healing to eliminate negative patterns and welcome vibrant abundance. Repair your connection to wealth and let theta waves open new paths to prosperity.

Today Only: Special Bonus up for grabs!

Access free live guided meditation and hypnosis sessions with our expert monks or trainers from our team who will help you transform your potential live with their guidance.


An Unparalleled Gift: Extend the Benefits to Your Family!

This special gift can be shared with your loved ones, giving each member of your family free access to its benefits and enriching sessions. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to transform many lives.


Risk-Free Trial with 30 Day Guarantee

We believe in the quality of what we offer, having tried it ourselves and tested it with more than 100 volunteer people, that's why you have the possibility to try it for 30 days, and if you don't are not satisfied, request a full refund, without questions or complications.

Information sur le bijou

Tous nos bijoux sont fait à la main par des moines Tibétains, il sont tous unisexe et conviennent aux plus petits comme aux plus grands (minimum 10 ans)

Purification et rechargement

Juste après votre achat vous recevrez un e-mail vous expliquant étape par étape comme purifier votre bijou puis le recharger afin qu'il garde son énergie initial, d'ailleurs dans ce même mail vous aurez aussi la possibilité de me communiquer une tranche horaire dans laquelle vous serez disponible pour planifier un appel avec moi qui durera une quinzaine de minutes et dans lequel je répondrais à toutes vos questions et vous expliquerai le fonctionnement du bijou. (l'appel n'est pas obligatoire)

Livraison à domicile

L'expédition se fera dans les 48 heures après votre achat, vous recevrez un mail afin de suivre votre commande et le facteur (la poste) vous l'apportera directement chez vous.

Satisfait ou Remboursé

Nous sommes heureux de vous informé que 96% des clients sont satisfaits de nos produits mais si pour une raison quelconque vous ne l'êtes pas, soyez rassurez car vous bénéficiez de la garantie "satisfait ou remboursé" pendant 14 jours, ce qui veut dire que vous ne perdez rien à acheté ce magnifique bijou

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