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Bracelet Nova Céleste

Bracelet Nova Céleste

Regular price 29,99EUR
Regular price 99,00EUR Sale price 29,99EUR
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Discover this unique piece that brings serenity and prosperity in just a few days!

Quickly feel its benefits.

Abundant Wealth: The Celestial Nova Bracelet acts as a magnet to attract wealth into your life, allowing you to manifest your financial aspirations with ease and generosity.

Spiritual Awakening: Sacred mantras engraved on each link help elevate your spiritual awareness, connecting you to higher levels of wisdom and understanding.

Energy Balance: The natural stones integrated into this bracelet harmonize your vital energies, promoting a deep feeling of well-being and inner harmony.

Increased Protection: By wearing this bracelet, you benefit from enhanced protection against negative energies, allowing you to move through life with confidence and clarity.

Improved Concentration: Repeated mantras can calm the mind and improve concentration, helping you focus on your goals with determination and precision.


The Mysterious Power of the Celestial Bracelet

The enigmatic power of the Celestial Nova Bracelet lies in the sacred mantras engraved on each link, the use of turquoise, and the dragon's head. These mantras act as sources of spiritual energy, amplifying its benefits. Turquoise, known for its protective and balancing properties, reinforces the effects of mantras. Additionally, the dragon's head symbolizes protection and wealth, increasing the beneficial effects of the bracelet. Their combination creates a powerful synergy that elevates consciousness and attracts positive energies, contributing to the overall well-being of the wearer.


Practical Guide to Enjoying its Benefits

To get the most out of the benefits of the Nova Céleste Bracelet, wear it regularly on your dominant wrist and program it with your intentions. Stay open and receptive to the positive changes it can bring to your life. By integrating this bracelet into your daily life with intention and open-mindedness, you will be able to attract the serenity, prosperity and health that you desire.


The Ideal Gift

Give your loved ones a symbol of protection and wisdom with our bracelet. Whether for a birthday, a celebration or simply to express your affection, our talisman will be a precious and timeless treasure, an invitation to explore the mysteries of the universe.


Try it with Confidence with Our Guarantee

Your satisfaction is our priority. If you are not completely satisfied with our bracelet and do not see benefits within 30 days, we will refund you, no questions asked. So why wait ? Try our talisman today and discover the benefits it can bring to your life. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Information sur le bijou

Tous nos bijoux sont fait à la main par des moines Tibétains, il sont tous unisexe et conviennent aux plus petits comme aux plus grands (minimum 10 ans)

Purification et rechargement

Juste après votre achat vous recevrez un e-mail vous expliquant étape par étape comme purifier votre bijou puis le recharger afin qu'il garde son énergie initial, d'ailleurs dans ce même mail vous aurez aussi la possibilité de me communiquer une tranche horaire dans laquelle vous serez disponible pour planifier un appel avec moi qui durera une quinzaine de minutes et dans lequel je répondrais à toutes vos questions et vous expliquerai le fonctionnement du bijou. (l'appel n'est pas obligatoire)

Livraison à domicile

L'expédition se fera dans les 48 heures après votre achat, vous recevrez un mail afin de suivre votre commande et le facteur (la poste) vous l'apportera directement chez vous.

Satisfait ou Remboursé

Nous sommes heureux de vous informé que 96% des clients sont satisfaits de nos produits mais si pour une raison quelconque vous ne l'êtes pas, soyez rassurez car vous bénéficiez de la garantie "satisfait ou remboursé" pendant 14 jours, ce qui veut dire que vous ne perdez rien à acheté ce magnifique bijou

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