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Pancha'Bala ring | ZenDivin™

Pancha'Bala ring | ZenDivin™

Regular price 19,99EUR
Regular price 59,00EUR Sale price 19,99EUR
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If all the jewelry you have tried so far has not provided any of its benefits, the super-powerful Pancha'Bala ring is the solution.

All the mantras that exist among Tibetans are engraved on this ring, now imagine having it on you, it can change your life in a few days!


Caishenye (財神爺): Mantras for wealth are a real money magnet, they bring success in all areas

Tǔdìlǎoyé (土地老爷): Mantras for protection , a real shield against the evil eye and negative energies, keeping you away from perpetual stress and anxiety and helps to overcome depression

Kōmyōshingon (光明真言): Mantras bringing luck at all levels, offering new opportunities, each one more beautiful than the last.

Guānyīn Púsà (观音菩萨): The mantras for self-confidence it brings a maximum of new positive energy which restores confidence and the strength of franchisor of things that have been deemed impossible

TuErShen (兔兒神 or 兔神): The mantras of love and family offer perfect harmony in the home and allow us to reconnect also with a lost love or to find it if it is not already done


Contrary to the rings that everyone knows, the Pancha'Bala ring is worn on a cord around the neck, the cord must be long enough for the ring to be at the height of the ANAHATA, the heart chakra (4th chakra located at the height of the heart)


The fact of having a Pancha'Bala ring makes you a very lucky person because its very rare, but did you know that wearing both rings of gold and silver colors amplifies its energy by 10.


Unlike many jewels it is extremely easy to purify and recharge this ring, for you will need a piece of fabric (no matter the color or material), a small glass and some salt To begin you must fill the small glass with salt (you don't have to fill it entirely) then put the piece of fabric on top and place the ring on the fabric and leave it overnight on it (you can do it any day it doesn't matter)


She does what size ? The size of the ring is 1.5 cm in diameter but is not important because the ring is worn with a cord around the neck.
Is it made for me ? This ring can be worn by both a man and a woman, it is unisex (it can be suitable for a child aged 12 and over years)
What is it made of ? The ring is in stainless steel (anti-allergens) engraved by hand.
How to order it ? You just have to click on add to cart and follow the steps, we accept bank cards and PayPal as a means of payment, if you do not have either, we can ask a loved one to make the payment for you and give them in cash. * We accept bank transfers for an amount above €50
How long does shipping take ? Since the rings are made by hand it takes between 48 hours to 72 hours
Delivery is free or not ? Yes delivery is free , you receive your package at your home
I have a question that is not listed here ? You can contact us at any time by email at 'address

Information sur le bijou

Tous nos bijoux sont fait à la main par des moines Tibétains, il sont tous unisexe et conviennent aux plus petits comme aux plus grands (minimum 10 ans)

Purification et rechargement

Juste après votre achat vous recevrez un e-mail vous expliquant étape par étape comme purifier votre bijou puis le recharger afin qu'il garde son énergie initial, d'ailleurs dans ce même mail vous aurez aussi la possibilité de me communiquer une tranche horaire dans laquelle vous serez disponible pour planifier un appel avec moi qui durera une quinzaine de minutes et dans lequel je répondrais à toutes vos questions et vous expliquerai le fonctionnement du bijou. (l'appel n'est pas obligatoire)

Livraison à domicile

L'expédition se fera dans les 48 heures après votre achat, vous recevrez un mail afin de suivre votre commande et le facteur (la poste) vous l'apportera directement chez vous.

Satisfait ou Remboursé

Nous sommes heureux de vous informé que 96% des clients sont satisfaits de nos produits mais si pour une raison quelconque vous ne l'êtes pas, soyez rassurez car vous bénéficiez de la garantie "satisfait ou remboursé" pendant 14 jours, ce qui veut dire que vous ne perdez rien à acheté ce magnifique bijou

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