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Les Bagues Balaÿ | ZenYuna

Les Bagues Balaÿ | ZenYuna

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Tired of investing in jewelry that seems to have no positive effect on you ?

Unknown to the general public, these rings stand out as being the most powerful among all jewels. Simply wearing them can give you benefits that until now no other jewel has been able to bring you! (read carefully to understand)

The ring features a dazzling gemstone known as the name "Metamorphosis Gem". This gem contains ancient energies that unlock the wearer's potential for positive change. Around this gem are meticulously engraved powerful mantras which, in association with this stone, will have the power to bring you the changes you desire, and this quickly.

Now imagine what these rings can bring you:

Goodbye financial worries! The engraved Jambala mantra acts like an authentic wealth magnet. The greatest fortunes in this world keep this practice secret, discreetly using this mantra to reach the heights they are at today.

Bad luck persists in your life qm> this new energy synergy thanks to the Fu Hsing mantra will reveal to you the doors to a universe full of luck in all your actions, it is the opportune moment to try your luck in the lottery. Who knows, you might be pleasantly surprised!

Your morale is down and stress and anxiety are tormenting you, say goodbye to them. The mantra Shakti releases the energy blockages in your body, at the origin of this discomfort, giving you unequaled serenity and well-being.

You face emotional problems or your love life is in disarray, give your relationships a second chance. The Maitreya mantra, also known as Cupid, will breathe new life into your love life, restoring the joy and love you seek. Whether it is your spouse, your children, parents or a long-lost friend, be prepared to be surprised by the positive effects it will produce.


The association between these two rings is much like the Yin and Yang of the Tibetans, creating perfect balance in your life. The first, responsible for attracting the energies allowing the benefits mentioned above, while the second allows you to anchor these new energies in you because unlike other jewelry which is content to attract the good energies without having them absorbed into your body. , it is precisely this ability that distinguishes these rings from other jewelry.

Why choose these rings instead than other jewelry ?

As you have surely read in the paragraph "Very important to know", these rings, in addition to being magnificent and to attract benefits to their wearer, are entirely handmade. This characteristic gives each piece an authenticity that differs from simple industrial creation. Every detail, every curve and every engraving is meticulously worked by expert monks, adding an artisanal dimension and exceptional quality to these jewels. Opting for these rings reflects not only their outer beauty, but also the soul and effort put into each creation.This is how these jewels become unique symbols, carrying authentic energy and deep meaning, well beyond their visual appearance.

Try them on with confidence!

If, after trying the ring, you find that it does not has no effect on you and you would like a refund, it is entirely possible. We are convinced of the effectiveness of this ring because, until now, no negative feedback has been recorded from our customers, including our own experiences which have been positive. Therefore, if the rings do not meet your expectations, we will refund your purchase in full.

"However, we rely on your honesty in this process."

Purification and recharging

As For any authentic jewelry, it is essential to purify and recharge it to get the maximum benefits. Here is the procedure to follow:

Dig a small hole: Find a suitable place in the ground and dig a small hole, deep enough to place your jewelry. (or in a pot filled with soil)

Place the jewelry in the hole: Gently place your jewelry in the hole you have dug. Make sure it is completely covered by soil.

Let it sit: Leave the jewelry in the hole for at least one night. During this time, the earth will act as a purifying agent.

Remove and clean: The next day, carefully remove the jewel from the earth. Clean it gently with a clean cloth to remove any earth residue.

This method uses the connection with the earth to purify and refresh the energy of your jewelry, offering a natural approach and symbolic of purification and repeat this action once a week

These rings are very popular for their effectiveness, don't delay in getting yours before they run out!

Information sur le bijou

Tous nos bijoux sont fait à la main par des moines Tibétains, il sont tous unisexe et conviennent aux plus petits comme aux plus grands (minimum 10 ans)

Purification et rechargement

Juste après votre achat vous recevrez un e-mail vous expliquant étape par étape comme purifier votre bijou puis le recharger afin qu'il garde son énergie initial, d'ailleurs dans ce même mail vous aurez aussi la possibilité de me communiquer une tranche horaire dans laquelle vous serez disponible pour planifier un appel avec moi qui durera une quinzaine de minutes et dans lequel je répondrais à toutes vos questions et vous expliquerai le fonctionnement du bijou. (l'appel n'est pas obligatoire)

Livraison à domicile

L'expédition se fera dans les 48 heures après votre achat, vous recevrez un mail afin de suivre votre commande et le facteur (la poste) vous l'apportera directement chez vous.

Satisfait ou Remboursé

Nous sommes heureux de vous informé que 96% des clients sont satisfaits de nos produits mais si pour une raison quelconque vous ne l'êtes pas, soyez rassurez car vous bénéficiez de la garantie "satisfait ou remboursé" pendant 14 jours, ce qui veut dire que vous ne perdez rien à acheté ce magnifique bijou

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